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Here is just one teaser photo from another super sexy set with Henry Vance. Many, Many more up to playboy style nude shots will be shared via dropbox in my next post, if you are a pledger of at least $5+ ;) And if you Pledge at $29, $49, or $99+ you will gain access to the full naughty set in its entirety after pledges clear at the end of the month!

Henry and I are planning another shoot this summer, and have some fun bathtub ideas to share with you, stay tuned!! 

***Current Mood***

I feel overwhelmed right now, but am doing a good job at suppressing my anxiety. I have a huge checklist of digital and physical-world stuff to do before I leave for my next tour TOMORROW!!! I won't bore you with all the details, but my email mountain, social media maintenence, video editing, event planning (For my July 30-31 NW Summer Nudes group shoot), and the 2 new websites I am building ALL need hours of attention very soon... as I have not yet recovered those chores from being on  my LAST tour! 

It's 4th of July today, my FAVORITE holiday!!! I am going to see my old musician buddies (old roommates from the party house I used to live in) play some music at a party on the lake. I love those guys but my ex boyfriend is always hanging out with them. We're not on bad terms but it's still awkward... ya know? Especially since my current boyfriend and I will be going to this shindig together. My ex and my current are on "friendly" terms. It's just... awkward... but I need to get over that since it's childish to hold on to those feelings. All my previous ex-boyfriends I completely avoid (because they're all losers, liars, cheaters, druggies, used me....) so it's not natural for me to want to "stay friends" with an ex. 

Maintaining my sobriety is sometimes extra awkward through these kinds of holiday events. I know I will be a good girl and not drink, but I also know the temptation will be VERY present. *hug me* 

Maybe that's too much personal information for you all, but since you follow my stuff I hope my blogging about my anxiety entertains you at the very least. I'm still just a human being with normal feelings, I just have my picture on the internet a bunch. 

Anyway, if you're a pledger of at least $5, enjoy more pics from this sexy set in the next post in a couple minutes!!!

Peace all and stay safe today ;) 



Jin N Tonic

yay! thank you for sharing your normal feelings - they're so normal! *all the hugs!* you can do anything you want - cuz you're fucking amazing - including maintaining your inspiring sobriety. have fun and safe travels, good luck with all the shiz!!! jebus!