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These are self portraits! I set my Sony A6500 on a tri-pod and set a 10 second timer for every frame. I enjoy the challenge. It's much more difficult to model for self portraits than have someone else shoot me, because I need to set the narrow focus and position myself correctly in the frame. 

Self portraits are freeing. I can do whatever I want with them: edit them, sell them wherever I want, turn them into flyers, and of course I can pose however I want! It's also an act of self love- a direct way of telling myself "I believe in my own photographic talent", "I know I have an eye for lighting", "I can shoot just as beautifully as my favorite photographers can!" And this drives me to put more time, money, energy, and planning into my self portrait sets. 

It's time consuming, but so worth it! I hope you enjoy these ;) 

Please click on the link for the tier at which you pledge: 

$5, $10, & $16 "Playful" tier (51 photos)   

**Same password I sent you for entire month** 

$29, $36 "Extra Sexy" tier (71 photos INCL the super risque!)   

**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**

$49, $56, & $99 "Smokin Hott" tier (71 photos INCL super riqsue poses)  

**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**

(these links will expire in 30 days, the PLAYFUL versions will be available for an extended time to those who pledge at least $10at the end of the month)


And a quickie explanation for those of you who are new:

Playful pics/ Playful Vids = $5, $10, $16 pledgers
NAUGHTY Pics/ Playful vids= $29, $36,
NAUGHTY pics/ NAUGHTY vids= $49, $56, $99 

***I need more sleep***

I am traveling through Dallas right now, all my gigs are coming through nicely but I simply have not had enough sleep! I am using caffeine to get through the day today, but I had a sunrise shoot yesterday, needed to get up at 430am to start doing hair and makeup... and I am in Central time zone which means where I flew from the other day it was 2:30am! soOo fun times! I will get to bed as early as possible tonight, hah!

Tomorrow I have 3 shoots (in the same studio... yayyy! Easy!) then I drive straight to the airport to fly to Phoenix! I am excited to be there, even though I have had some people cancel on me this time around, Phoenix is one of my favorite US cities. 

I modeled for a photographer's first paid nude shoot yesterday, he was super respectful and creative. I think he was younger than me! It was a positive experience, he found me on facebook on my travel post in the Dallas photographers group... I get less and less work from model mayhem and more from FB and IG now. Times are changing!

Thanks again so much for your support! I hope you really enjoy these self portraits :) 






I thought you were going to get that $30 wireless remote for your camera to use, in stead of the timer?


This set was actually shot about a month ago! (It’s been in queue) Future self portrait sessions I’ll have the remote for sure. :)


Thank you for the awesome instructional video! Now I can take selfies of myself. LOL - Just kidding, but this setup will help when I shoot friends for reference work.