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  • UE5_WIP1.mp4
  • SporkBasicAI.mp4
  • Spork_AnimationImplement.mp4
  • EverythingsofarPlusBootyJiggle.mp4



Earlier this year, I started playing around with Unreal again, but this time for interactive projects! Now let me be clear, I am fairly new to coding and I'm not going into this with the intention of making a full-on "game". Instead, I want to create something interactive and limited, featuring my characters. Right now, I'm still in the stage of learning and experimenting, so this may not actually become a reality. But so far, I've been having a ton of fun with it! My main inspiration came from @Artsbam_'s Enslaved Alpha demo. But as stated before I would prefer to focus on creating a more compact and linear experience.

Keep in mind, this is all just a side project for me in my free time at the moment ^^

I have a lot of work in progress videos, but I haven't organized them into something cohesive just yet. On top of that, I’m not too sure how much you all would actually like to see. So to get a small look at what it’d be, I’ve attached a few videos below at points throughout development. I'm wondering if it's something that, as my supporters on Patreon, you’d be interested in. However, if I continue down this path, it could potentially take time away from my animation work. So before making a decision, I wanted to ask for your opinion through a poll and see if this is something you all would like to see me pursue with my nsfw content. Which I will post after this.



Even if it's just a wip, it looks amazing!


What's the idea? Spork chases you, and if he catches you, makes you eat his asshole?

mythic legend

T posing Spork isn’t real he cannot hurt you. T posing Spork:


This seems like a pretty cool idea. I enjoy things like heat that let you sorta just do your own thing in them within the confines of what it allows.

Roy Artorius

Maaan, everyone be using Unreal now. Wish I could help but my experience is mostly Unity (like years worth 🥲