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[TL;DR: Jump to action section below]

I am compiling a list of all your names to go into the acknowledgements section of the S&S book.  Woo! \o/  But, there is a sticky problem...!

Over the years, there have been over a hundred "pledge bots" or otherwise fake accounts that pledge, swipe content, and unpledge, all without tipping a single cent!  Patreon had put mitigations in place, but they haven't been able to completely filter those accounts out.  Fortunately, there is a semi-reliable way to find them: 1.) they have a gibberish Gmail or Outlook email address, 2.) there had been no payment from their account, or 3.) they only pledge for one month.  Obviously, I don't want to give any credit to these actors.

So, I've prepared a list of all Patreon supporters since January 2015 (the starting date of this book's content) who have pledged for at least two months.  But, I realize this could potentially exclude real supporters who had just pledged for a month, so this is where I need your help!

[⭐Your action required here]

Open this link (it's a living document, continually updated as feedback flows in):


1.) If your name is highlighted in YELLOW, that means I'm not sure of your account's authenticity (sorry!).  All you need to do is to comment below and let me know otherwise, and I'll restore your credit in the book.

2.) If your name is highlighted in PINK, you need to choose a name to be credited as.  Comment below with your preference.

3.) If your name is NOT LISTED, comment below and I'll validate your pledge history and include you in the credits.

4.) EVERYONE ELSE: See that you are correctly credited in the list.

    a.) If you want to change the name you are credited as, comment below with the correction.  Feel free to correct capitalization or other minor details.

    b.) If you do NOT want to be credited, comment below.

    c.) Any other weird issues (doubled/duplicate accounts, etc.), comment below.

    d.) If everything is A-OK, you don't need to do anything.

Right then.  I'm expecting my to-do list to fill up shortly. XD


Chris Yost

I'm good! Thanks Jan!

Jason A Schulz

Unless there's legitimately two of me (a horrific thought), you'll only need one Jason A Schulz. :D