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Hello, patrons! There are 5 to 7 cameo spots open (depending on how spacing works out) in the next Nine to Nine comic -- see the attachment. In panel 4, Jan accidentally steps into a conference room with an ongoing conference. I'll need some conference-goers :P If you want a spot, chime in! Priority goes to those who haven't had a spot yet. I'll need a link to your character's reference sheet (if you have one) or a written description -- if I've never drawn your character before. He/she will be in business attire. Please respond within the next 24 hours if interested!




Preview: <a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1277823/99052.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1277823/99052.png</a> Selection criteria -- the patrons waiting the longest for a cameo got in first. If you didn't get selected, you have priority the next couple of strips (I need some extra office workers)! Here's who we have so far, left to right: Kim (not there yet -- waiting for refs), Karmakat, Rei (hey, the two combatants from "party crashers" are sitting next to each other!), Phil (giving a proposal on the reallocation of the company's bogon space), LionkingCMSL, Shadow Drake, and Kiva. If any of you want a different shirt color or other tweaks, let me know!


And I keep my streak alive as the only one to be in every fan based pic. :=3


Hmm... I missed this one, but I'm interested in being in a follow-up opportunity. Unfortunately, I have yet to get around to drawing myself in a draped image.