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Hey folks!

The 2019 calendars have been mailed out!  (Final tally: 102.)  Those of you who submitted your addresses before the original 1-Nov cutoff will receive them in about 10 calendar days.  (Patrons in Canada -- the post office is not accepting any mail until the strike is over, so your calendars are waiting in my outbox.)

The handful of new patrons (welcome!) and address submissions that arrived after 1-Nov will have their calendars shipped out in early December, as I will be consolidating the mailings with the Black Friday orders next week.

I hope you'll enjoy them!  I will post the PDF of the calendar once I've reformatted it for general use (reordering the pages and trimming off the margins).




Got mine today, yay! :)

Paul (Chiron)

I missed it too... am I too late? If so, I’ll enjoy the pdf