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My love for butts doesn't know bounds.

So I had an idea about drawing giant butts so big, they're considered as planets.

I shall call this new series as: Planet Booties.

Despite the name, the planet is beautiful, with a charming atmosphere and compassionate citizens loyal to their goddess. Although, as the name suggests, this planet is quite harsh to its civilians, with natural disasters occurring more frequently than your average planet. The reasoning for this is unknown; maybe it’s simply how the planet functions, or maybe its goddess has a sadistic sense of messing with her loyal citizens just because she can… or perhaps the goddess wants to punish one specific resident who is living her wildest dream to the fullest while everyone else is caught between the crossfire with her ‘punishment,’ however, that simply impossible! Undoubtedly, their goddess cares for her citizens enough not to punish them alongside that one individual, right?

PSD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C6ynC8bpLeB__JJFpt870uJ-Hd9hjkr_/view?usp=sharing
