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Ch.0    Ch.1    A Rough Bond

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Good morning, bit of an early page today! Beth comes clean with her frustrations, sometimes it's hard watching others get affection when you feel you aren't getting it yourself. That's why it's good to have friends who understand that. Also, probly the best male body I've drawn in a while, really out of practice in that department.

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Daniel Blom Paulsen

Ugh, that hits uncomfortably close to home ... 😖 Here's hoping this comic can sate the starvation a bit. 💜 Thank you for touching (no pun intended) on a topic like this!

Ursus Bavaricus

This has a very wholesome feel about it. I love how you protray Beth's insecurities, and I love how you let Avalyn and Rohan try to help Beth to, well... get comfortable. Sometimes cuddling is much more fulfilling than sex - and much more important. I have a big thing going for carefully helping people to open up and learning to accept and love themselves - you're definitely doing a great job here! That said, I also loved how you let the other girls teach Lotte the joys of uninhibited sex in The Witching Hour... not very subtle and careful at all! ;-) Would really love to see you tell more stories about that particular crew!