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The following update post contains little to no story spoilers.

Hi patrons, here's a quick update on the animation - rough animation is steadily progressing (several more scenes have been animated and cleaned up)! This puts the intro at about 60% done. There are a bunch of more action-oriented scenes coming up which I am excited to work on.

A fun concept art/poster I drew one night.

A seemingly minor, but important development in the process is that I'm opting to utilize more thin and sketchy brush strokes during the animation, instead of using Flash's pencil lines. The brush tool more closely resembles traditional lead pencil, with its varying thicknesses. I've been 50/50 about using one tool over the other, and now I'm convinced doing sketchy brush strokes > thin pencil lines, for it results in more expressive movement. It also encourages loose drawing, as opposed to the clean pencil tool (which makes me want to skip the roughing phase).

Autumn Updates

Aside from the animation, there has been some work done on the 3D overlay - an autumn re-skin! Since migrating to the new computer, many of the original project settings needed to be redone. So I took this as an opportunity to update the overlay with oranges, reds, and browns.

Same 3D assets, just different hues.

I believe that the new workstation is completely set up now, so I'll be resuming 3D development on and off. Outside of that, my brother and I are still fulfilling care packages, sticker orders, and giveaway prizes. The prototype trading cards are still in progress (prints are being shipped to my house for final inspection).

World Anvil Updates

Now that the "Gildedguy Gets Up" premiere is over a month behind us, I feel more comfortable sharing background details and lore about it. I updated the Stellapent Cier World Anvil (Wiki) with more info about the Life Factory and some of the characters!

Give it a quick read, as there's stuff in there that might explain the animation better.

Thanks for checking in on this update, and thank you for your support!


2021 09 14 Overlay Autumn


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