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Hi guys,

I'll be making this particular post public for all, so that more peeps can learn about the new Annual Membership offer, and get taste of what these super secret Patreon update posts look like:

Annual Membership Enabled

Earlier this year, Patreon added an annual membership feature, which allows you to pay for Patreon on an annual basis. Alongside supporting my art, the option will reduce transaction fees, and the chance of credit card declines in the future. To help promote this, I'll be offering annual membership at 16% off, which is a discount of 2 months free (offer ends on New Year's). This works at any pledge level!

If you are interested, here are the steps for switching over to annual pledges (which is refundable at any time):

  1. Log in, hover over your profile icon in the top right corner, and select Manage Memberships
  2. From your Active Memberships page click Edit next to the pledge you want to change
  3. You’ll see a familiar checkout page where you can select Annual
  4. Click Update. Note: you’ll be charged upfront for the discounted price

Check out this help center article if you have any questions about how it works.

Animation Progress at 62%

The team and I are still chipping away some of the intense scenes, which, while turning out quite nice, are high in complexity. We also have holidays to attend, so there will be some slowdown in terms of completion progress.

This final third of the animation is proving to be the hardest and most fun part to produce. Without giving too much away, we're working with tons of special FX, dynamic shots, and shiny, glowy lighting. In addition, the background artists and I are getting into a real groove with our little art pipeline of Animatic > Layouts > Rendering >Compositing.

I already find myself rewatching completed scenes. Not just to look at the background art, but also to reflect on little symbolisms that are starting to crop up.

I'm growing more and more confident that you guys will love the end product, despite this not being a traditional "VS battle animation".

A release candidate for the intro's  musical score, by PowerMeep, is also complete! ♫

I'll be reviewing it thoroughly later today, and to get it to sync with the animation perfectly.

Spoiler WIP's in the Discord?

I understand that many of you (a majority?) like to follow along the creation of the animation, but do not want to see any major spoilers before release. 

I still have a lot of interesting Work-In-Progress content for those who do not mind seeing spoilers. Though, for some reason, Patreon does not have an effective way to collapsed/hidden spoiler content on posts. 

Discord DOES have a very nice spoiler tag system ("click to reveal"), so I'd like to experiment with posting WIP content in the #patron-lounge channel of the Discord server (with spoiler tags of course). Fortunately, we have a good viewership that refrains from posting leaked content, so I feel comfortable doing this.

I hope this allows me to share some more content without interfering with anyone's fresh-viewing preferences. Let me know if there are any issues though.

Ok - that's all for now, enjoy your holiday!




Would you prefer us to give anually or monthly? Do transaction fees mean you get less if I give monthly even with the discount for annually?


The transaction fees savings affect $2 pledges the most, but if your pledge is more than that, then the savings are nominal. The discount is taken straight out of my earnings, so it is more value to you at my cost. If you'd like to support me annually at full price, you can wait until the start of the new year. Or you can take the discount. My preference is your preference in this case! I am grateful either way.