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Hi Patrons,

Story #0 update time! We're making steady progress on the animation, which is now about 40% done overall. 

The feature image of this post is one of the most detailed (and expensive!) scenes I've worked on. Many man hours has been poured into it, and there's still work left to be done. Regardless, I'm happy with the environmental look and feel we've achieved: A cozy, yet upscale eatery for careermen & women to splurge on.

I'm currently trying to tackle the art direction for a dream sequence. Here are some of our experiments: 

We've entered artistically risky territory regarding the sequence. There's some time loss due to R&D, but I believe the result will be well worth it.

Please scroll through the picture gallery attached to this Patreon post, because I've left descriptive captions!

Halloween Update

October means Halloween decorations, especially for the live stream. Come by and see the festive trimmings I've applied toward the overlay and minigames.

Super Gilded Knight Patron-Only Download

Download and play Super Gilded Knight on PC's right now! Play as Gildedguy as you speed run your way through 2 levels: The Dead Forest & Castle Nemesis. 

I've had a lot of fun developing this minigame, especially because of the relatively quick production time. This is a direct port of the livestream minigame, and I plan to update it with more levels in the future. I may consider releasing it to the public for free if it's alright with you guys. But for now, enjoy the exclusive access.

Super Supporter Cameo Spot  - Reminder to $50 Tier Patrons

I'd like to remind Patrons supporting at the upper tiers to submit their cameo information via the instructions in this post (if they haven't already!). Feel free to DM me about it as well.

Annual Membership Coming?

Just a heads up! By the end of the year I'll be offering annual subscriptions for my Patreon, which is a feature Patreon released a few weeks ago. It'll help save on transaction fees and can be more cost efficient. I think I can also offer a discount for those pledging 12-months at a time. We'll do a promotion and offer a little bonus some time in Nov or Dec.

Thank you all for checking out this update, thank you for your support, and don't forget to try out the SGK game!!




kool game.