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Hi everybirdy! March was a great month, thanks in part to your inspiration and support. I was able to complete a commission and a pile of rewards, plus some of my own little art and writing projects. We’ve added a few more cool birds to the Discord Server too and it seems that there’s always something going on over there, including some streams by our game birds and at least one other artist besides myself.


  • If you are at a $25 level or higher, it’s time to submit your reward idea to me for April.
  • I do livestreams every Wednesday at 10 am - 12 pm (US Central), Thursdays at 8 pm - 10 pm, and Fridays (SFW) at 3 pm - 5 pm. Wed & Thu streams are on Bird Brothel Discord Server while the Friday stream happens on Picarto.


  • Patreon pledges and activity will go on pause for the whole month of June. I’ll be off doing some bird work in a remote locale without Internet.


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