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Alex fulfilled his wildest dream of becoming a white-tailed sea eagle but he still has a lot to learn. In this chapter he explores his powers of flight for the first time.

If you're wondering where the first three chapters are, they are all included in the first post which I have split up into chapters now. The attachment here includes all 4 chapters. This is an ongoing story with monthly reward chapters for Falkie. Stay tuned, more to cum!


Chapter 4: First Flight

Alex awoke to the feeling of Luke cuddled around him, stroking his back feathers with a human hand. He had transformed back to human form and was smiling at him. Alex opened his eyes lazily, his lower lids still half up in an avian expression of drowsiness. He yawned and stirred his feet which were curled up under him. He caught a whiff of warm sex and remembered the hottest orgasm of his life.

Luke stroked Alex’s head feathers. “Feels good, doesn’t it? Like waking up in your own bed after a long journey away from home?”

Alex nodded his beak in agreement. It did feel strangely normal, like he was finally at home even though the reality was that he was very far from it. His new bird body was comfortable and familiar, maybe even more natural to him than his human body had been. Perhaps he should have been born a bird.

And yet, he hadn’t really explored his body much yet, beyond sex and sleep. He opened his eyes wide and his pupils constricted then expanded. He felt energy surging within him again at the prospect of testing out his new shell. And he had a million questions but no way to speak them.

“I’ll bet that you have a lot of questions. And that you want to see what your new body can do, too. I couldn’t wait to take my first flight.”

Alex nodded and chirped.

“We haven’t got much time before sunset so we better get you out there. I think it’s important to test your wings as soon as possible after your first transformation.” Luke stood up and placed his hands under Alex’s breast to help him stand.

Alex twittered and looked up at Luke with a quizzical expression.

“Put your questions on hold, birdfriend. In fact, let your human notions go completely for the time-being. Take in what your senses are feeding you, react to it, and put your mind in neutral for a while. Thinking too much will only interfere with your natural instincts at first. But don’t worry... before too long, things like walking or flying as a bird will be second nature and you can think human thoughts again.”

Alex stepped forward with one foot, then the other, and walked across the floor. It went smoothly. Then he turned and his tail brushed the bed. He thought about how he might have to lift his tail to move it around the bed corner but he lost his balance and stumbled forward a step and a half.

“See? Don’t think so much about it. Just put your mind on where you want to go and let your avian nervous system do the rest. Here, close your eyes and let me pick you up...”

Alex inhaled deeply and closed his eyes.

“That’s it. Clear your mind.” Luke faced Alex and gripped his upper legs, one in each hand, and lifted him gently from the floor. Alex’s wings sagged down on each side of Luke’s hands and his breast eased forward onto Luke’s forearms.

“Now lift your wings and hold them out and level.”

Alex spread his wings out wide and felt the cool air between his wingtip feathers. He flapped slowly once and then again. He wasn’t even flying yet but the sensation of his glossy primary feathers biting the air and tugging his wingtips forward sent a thrill to his core.

“Very nice, Alex, very nice. Now try to keep your wings level while I move your body around. Remember, relax your human thoughts. You’ll have time to process this all later. For now, just let your body react...”

Luke gently tilted Alex to the left and to the right. Alex tilted his wings in response to counter the motion. Then Luke tilted him faster and Alex relaxed his joints, letting his wings do what they do naturally. Instead of stiffly resisting the spreading of his wings and fighting the motion of his body, he flowed with it and his wings responded by folding in more on the upward side of the roll and snapping out more on the downward side.

“Awesome... you are doing awesome, my friend. Open your eyes and stare directly at my nose.”

Alex obeyed and Luke smiled. “What’s your head doing?”

Alex hadn’t thought about it at first but now he recognized that his head was staying motionless and level while his body moved about. His lower eyelids creased slightly and his facial bristles and forehead feathers erected.

Luke giggled. “You’re smiling! Pretty cool shit, eh?”

Alex twittered his approval.

“Ok that was easy. Now let me throw some more at ya. Keep your eyes open while we do this.”

Luke lifted Alex up abruptly and Alex’s eyes widened and his legs stiffened. His wings wobbled awkwardly. Then Luke dropped his arms down close to the floor, still holding Alex while he flailed his wings and spread his tail and toes nervously. He chirped out loudly as though frightened.

“Remember, relax your mind, be a bird. Your body knows what to do. I won’t let go, Alex, but I want you to feel just a taste of the things you’re going to find in flight.”

He hoisted Alex up abruptly again but this time Alex pulled his wings in closer to his body. Then as Luke dropped him downward abruptly, his wings shot out, less stiffly this time. Luke repeated the action a few more times and each time Alex was more and more natural in his responses.

“Good! Good!” Luke brought Alex up above himself again and said. “Now flap. Hard!”

Alex pumped his wings, noticing how they tried to pull forward in the downstroke and backwards on the upstroke. The vanes of his primaries twisted from the changing direction of the air flow, alternately pushing and pulling on his joints and body. He flapped harder and faster until his feathers tore the air with a ripping sound and dust and feathers were flying all around them both. Alex closed his eyes and focused on the sensations of the air in his wings, pulsing over his tail feathers and tugging at his tail. Blood coursed through his massive flight muscles and his heart beat strong and hard. Air moved through his chest, filled his belly, and streamed from his nares. Ordinarily if he worked this hard as a human, his lungs would quickly reach the point where they were hungry for oxygen and he couldn’t wait for each inhale. That was not the case now. His airsacs circulated the air such that his lungs were constantly bathed in fresh air.

Alex slowed his wings down and opened his eyes. Luke’s face was half-transformed into a bald eagle again.

Luke lowered Alex to the floor gently. “It’s time, Alex, to go out and fly for real.” He turned and opened the door to the hallway and walked towards the kitchen.

Alex walked to the door and watched Luke, opening the side door and then bending down, grunting as his feathers shot out and his naked body pulsed and shrank. From this angle, he saw in close detail how Luke’s rump bulged into a tail and his butthole and cock fused to become a cloaca, just in time for feathers to crowd out and obscure the supple slit.

After a moment, Luke lifted his white eagle head and stared back at Alex with his golden eyes. He stirred his wings and a tuft of down whipped up and the breeze brought fresh outdoor air to Alex’s face. Luke jerked his head towards the door as if to say Come on! He bounced out onto the porch in a series of short hops, flapping and cackling excitedly. It was the joyful expression of a tiercel bald eagle as though he were greeting a mate at the nest.

Alex walked slowly forward. He swallowed, wondering if he would be ok in the sky with no hands to support him. His heart raced and he felt a wave of prickly fear wash down from his eyeballs to his tail. He reached the door and saw Luke perched on the porch railing, staring back at him with a fluffed expression.

Alex looked up into the clear blue sky and out over the trees below them to the west. The world was so different to him now. Sure, his avian senses were incredibly keen and he had all the equipment for flight. But he was completely unprepared for his new expectations. He hadn’t considered being able to fly would actually mean. There was a whole new domain open within his mind, like a dream where you realize there’s an entire new floor full of unexplored rooms in your otherwise familiar house.

The world before Alex was no longer a broken maze of obstacles. There was a vast ocean above that he could swim in as naturally as a fish in water. The sky had never looked so huge to him. Scary huge, but also marvelously full of potential. He didn’t yet know the complexities of navigating it but his mind and body told him that he was fully capable of going anywhere he needed to go. That rooftop? No problem. That tree a mile away, why not? The car on the other side of the house and the fence in between? No need to walk or go through gates when you can be there faster on wing. And what bird needs a car anyway?

Alex tried to fathom all the possibilities as his eyes swept the blue arc above him. He wore an eagly smile and Luke saw it. He knew what Alex was experiencing. This was his favorite part of introducing someone new to the family—reliving that amazing first flight. It excited him like nothing else. It was more electrifying than sex. He nodded his head, motioning Alex to hop up beside him.

Alex crouched and jumped. He flapped hard and overshot the railing. He wobbled his wings and screeched as he glided across the short yard and the landscape dropped rapidly below him. He was frozen, trying to take it all in but things were moving too fast! Luke was already on his tail with a confident stare that said You’re doing fine! Keep it up!

Alex focused on the horizon and relaxed his human mind. A fresh warm breeze rolled up the grassy pasture below the house and his spread wings filled with air like sails on a ship. It pushed him up and he flapped his wings smoothly as his body lifted higher into the sky.



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