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Hallo everynyan!

Here's the doodles for this week omg i felt like I havent paint anything in forever so im over compensating sadkfjnd ALSO I CANT BELIEVE THAT I NEVER POSTED THE DUCKY PAINTING THAT I DREW WEEKS AGO SO ... I apologize.. 🙇🙇 i wonder how many doodles i did that i just forget to post here asdfjksa

I was actually so happie how many people like Kang he's one of my newer OC and I've been planning to put him in CC since like june last year and i was scared ppl wuldnt like him 🥲🥲 but i get this feeling about everyone i put in CC and everyone's been so kind .. it always surprises me how many people care about my OCs and it's a priviledge to be able to draw my ocs for a living... thats why when everyone tell me to take a break i never wanna do that bc i LOVE DRAWING OCS ill draw until my arms fall off idc...😭 The last girl is a new OC i'm workshopping for a GL one shot (that I'll do next year), idk what to name her yet so if anyone wanna leave some suggestions feel free hehe..

Anywayysss, short yap session today bc i gotta play catch up with the comic..! The next post will be the hole post sooo.. stay tuned apples!


tez the lockmaster hater
crush torture chamber
crush microwaved
cherie portait number 5649035834098
fashion studies again.. its been ages
overworked and cute
I hung out w my friend while I was out of town so I drew this fdjnsfjdks
tez the lockmaster hater
kang silliness pt2
unamed OC for a GL one shot (not the casey and morgan one)



how are all of your ocs so pretty 😩🤚

Luka 🍒

Eating Mashiro rn




AHHHH your art is everything ✨