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Hiii, here's the NSFW prompt that won comic of the month! and yep, Cherie's having a blast in here too.. All the prompts this month has been good to him, and I love drawing Crush kissing him and holding him in general, since we haven't had the chance to really indulge in fluff in the main comic rn, I wanted to make this one extra sweet, and Cherie's butt is really cute too so that's always another CHERRY 😏 on top. Happy birthday stinky 🍒

I would've added a couple of panels of Crush giving him a bj too but as everyone's know I'm literally moving in TWO DAYS so I had to pack all my stuff up and the tablet had to go.. (it's 6 AM in the morning rn) I have pretty much the next 2 days full of just packing and moving.. it's been super duper busy and I feel so terrible, I haven't had any time to draw the comic like at all... 😭😭😭

I'll post the hiatus announcement on Monday and let everyone know that the update dates will be switched back to Fridays instead of Tuesdays, so all will be right with the world soon.. I did say I would stop posting on Patreon during that time too but I'll probably post some ipad doodles while I get stuated (Or until I get a desk for my tablet bc I can't draw on the floor like I can with an Ipad😭😭).. The ipad art quality will obviously be not as good as my usual drawings but it's food for my Patrons... Cause I'd hate for everyone to only get half of the art benefits of what they've subbed for just bc I'm moving.And if people want to cancel it's fine too!! I'm eternally grateful for your support this whole time, without the WEBTOON and Patreon money I wouldn't be able to get approved for this apartment so it really meant a lot to me..

 Thank you all for being so understanding and I'm sorry for any inconvenience.🙇‍♂️

That's all for the yap this time! Have a nice weekend everynyan! Wish me luck!!



Yosya(ruby gf)

DAMANNNNNNNN DAMNN TGIS IS FIRE lord cherie kn the last pagr is somehing.... wild and ur already moving wth where did the time go?!?!? GOOD LUCKTY YEMMY

Yosya(ruby gf)

Crush looks like hes chewing on a big peach... sillay


I KNOW ive been so busy packing that its like WOW ITS ALREADY TOMORROW??? … time flies by so fast and I feel so sad 😭 It felt like i was still drawing season 1 yesterday