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Hallooo, long time no speedpaint! Sorry for the lack of update this week 😭😭 I'm still pretty busy with the comic and the move and I didn't want to put the WEBTOON on a sudden hiatus so I haven't been drawing anything else at all but the comic itself.. and I'm still falling behind it's so freaking cringe guys kms

I was doing some lighting studies on music videos and I thought the person who smoked in a club's bathroom was so cool!!! So I wanted to draw Chohan doing that since there's not a lot of OCs i have that are canonically smokers (so far its Colie, Chohan, and Mashiro Edit: and Tez.. and Anh.. yes) which is a shame bc smoking is such a serve .. so terrible that such a cunty action is so bad for your health </3 Pls don't smoke guys.. that first cig is not worth it 😔😔 I wanted to draw Chohan from the POV of someone who's drunk at a club.. Maybe I'll add it as a scene in the WEBTOON!!

I'd love to draw more side character backstories but any scene that is not spent moving the plot forward is hard for me to incorporate in the webtoon, and we haven't even uncovered half of Crush's fucked up childhood yet like.... It's gonna be rough u guys... BUT there will be lots of Chohan scenes later so.. chohan stans always eating good in my head. He was my 2nd oldest OC in Cherry Crush I think, I made him like a couple months after I made Crush and he wasn't even supposed to be an antagonist just an anti-hero character.. now look at him just fucking everything up.. time flies..

Sorry for the yap omfg I could talk about my OCs forever if nobody stops me jkrjewrjqw

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this video..! what would u do if ur throwing up at a club and Artemas comes on and u see this mfer offering u a cig...


Worst trip sitter of all time

Song credit: I like the way you kiss me - Artemas



Omg adding this to the comic would go so hard 🥹


what about Thorne?? there was a moment where he also smoked