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Hallo!! Here's the doodles for this week while I was pvping with the electrical company

I know the main WEBTOON is a little bit doomed right now but I PROMISEEEEEEEEEEE it's gonna be okay, it'll take awhile but it's gonna be okay 😭😭😭 I always feel so sad when you guys doomposted everytime things go wrong like guys LET ME COOK PLS TRUST MEEEE!!! I love microwaving my characters but I also want them to be happie ofc..

Some good news! The artblock is finally letting up and I can finally script the next arc and my god u guys we're not even 25% done with season 3 rn.. I used to get scared starting a comic with over 100+ chapters but I fear Cherry Crush is gonna turn into one of those pretty soon.. You guys will have to deal w these 2 for a littttle longer than I anticipated, hehe.

I feel so happy now that I'm at the part where I can slowly let Crush's past bleed through the current story just bc of how sad he truly is, from the moment he was born up until he met Cherie 😭😭😭 And Cherie's part is already sad enough.. I truly just love writing sad characters making each other happy.. and I'm sure a lot of my work reflects that.

That's all for the yap this time, I'm sorry for not being more active.. 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️I will post the NSFW poll tmr after I've gathered some of the prompts.. Thank u!


Crush's first gf was when he was 11 or something n he did not know wat to do w her </3
cherie so soft
when I'm artblocked I just draw them in a field at dusk
more pants studies
Silly comic p1
Silly comic p2
Crush's first gf was when he was 11 or something n he did not know wat to do w her </3
Crush for the past 3 episodes
sneak 1
sneak 2





chohan is so pretty😔🙏


Chohan is so awesome, he looks like he stepped right out of a game or an atmospheric movie.