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Hallo apples!! Here's the nsfw comic for this month based on the poll!

I recently hurt my wrist so I'm sorry if the drawings are a little choppy T_T;; I really can't draw much without pain rn but i have to keep working on the comic, which sucks a lot bc I finally JUST got used to the workpace.. I was on schedule too, it's like everytime I caught up to my deadline, something always happens and make me fall behind again. Life is so cruel 3

On a brighter note, I GOT APPROVED FOR AN APARTMENT 😭😭😭😭😭 I'm SO happy... the rent is a little steep but I'll be moving in with my sister so it'll be okay, . my living situations haven't been the best since COVID hits so finally having stable housing is a huge weight off my back. I'll make a life update and will probably have to take one week off Patreon and Cherry Crush to get ready for the move.. Since I need to set up wifi and move all my drawing equipments (they're my most prized possession rn i literally own nothing else..dsfkjas) So I apologize for the one week break and I'm so grateful.. I can only afford to move because of the money I get from Patreon and WEBTOON.. So thank you thank you thank you 🙇‍♂️ I'm sorry for the sap in a hole post of all places, but this is basically my sketchblog atp jksdnfakjsn I won't be moving til middle of June so please look out for the life update post then!!

Also! I've been debating if I should make a seperate patreon box for the nsfw prompts because I don't think people realize they can send nsfw requests in the request box😭😭😭😭😭 I did it because I still wanted my Cherry Patrons to give suggestions if they want to, I lauv reading everyone's ideas.. It makes my day :(

Anyways, sorry for the yap! I hope you guys enjoy this month's comic, maybe next month it'll be Crush's turn to give head crazy style .. who knows..!


yes they're playing idv dskjfsdkjnasjksd



please make him give cherie head


whos ur idv main yem…