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Ministry of Magic
November 1994

After getting the attention of the entire council, the pink toad Dolores Umbridge again cleared her throat.

"Thank you, esteemed members of the council," began Dolores Umbridge, her tone condescending. "Today has been a day marked by many unanticipated events."

"Great wizards like Albus Dumbledore have been treated as a criminal," she continued, though her tone remained some what reluctant.

"In all these chaos, we all ignored one major event. Harry Potter taking up Lordship of 5 different houses," her arrogant tone back.

Dumbledore sighed in defeat. He only hoped that this idiot would do no further damage. What he had directed towards, Lucius was to be done subtly. And knowing that the iq Dolores she had, he only hoped that she does not blow it up.

She almost sneered, "We must question about the integrity of the method by which he achieved the Lordship of the 5 houses. Houses like Peverell, Slytherin and Gryffhave been extinct for centuries. We have no clear records of any of their descendants yet some how on a random day, Harry Potter comes with Lordship of these 3 houses."

Dumbledore's anger eased a bit as till now she was doing a fine job. She had planted the seeds of suspicion and now it was left to water it and allow it to grow.

"We must question and he must answer, how did he passed the inheritance of the 4 houses? Black, Slytherin, Gryffindor and Peverell? Even for Potter Lordship,we must ask and he must answer, how was he able to take up the Lordship before majority?" Her voice echoed in the hall.

Although the entire Wizengamot, though, considered Dolores as an idiot, what she was saying was making sense in their mind.

"We don't know if his Lordship are real. Even if it is real, then who knows what dark magic as Harry Potter used to gain these Lordship that too even before he attended majority."

Her eyes narrowed, "Till the time, the correct facts are established, we must put some restrictions on Harry Potter."

"I propose that a 5 member committee headed by our minister of magic is formed to investigate the irregularities in the Lordship of Harry Potter," she said regularly causing loud murmurings in the entire hall.

"I also propose, minister of magic, using his powers as the chief of the wizarding government and using the agreement wizards have with the goblins, the minister imposes an order on the Goblin Nation to restrict Harry Potter accesing the vaults of these 5 houses. He should only have an access to his trust vault."

The moment these words left her mouth, chaos erupted in the council. The most noticeable among them were two particularly powerful magical pressure.

One was from the well, as Minerva McGonagall stood up her powers on full display as rage was etched on her face.

The second was from the members seat as Amelia Bones stood up. Her magical power also on full display.

"You dare?" She screamed.

Meanwhile, Harry Potter remained seated leisurely only with a raised eyebrow. Andromeda was also expressionless as she stared at Dolores.

Dolores flinched in fear, especially of Minerva as she was close to the undersecretary. Even so, she tried to remain impassive and continued, "The minister must also direct the Goblins to recover every single coin, books and atricrafts Harry Potter had already stolen from these vaults."

The chaos had somwhat calmed down and they listened what she had to say further.

Dolores continued, "I also propose, that the minister restricts Harry Potter's access to the wizarding council and his voting rights till the investigation is complete."

Harry, though, could have immediately taken 'action,' he waited to see minister's action. He knew that Dolores would do nothing without, minister's approval. And it was not even an hour, before the minister had talked of cooperation and now his stance was changed so easily? He was intrigued.

Dumbledore breathed some relief. Though he thought, it could have gone a bit better, he was satisfied with this.

As soon as the Dolores was finished, the minister immediately stood up to take charge.

His presence attracted more attention and focus from the crowd, "It really have been a tough day for all of us."

"And Harry Potter taking his Lordship is a big event... an unique event... something that has never been expected."

He chuckled, "Due to other uinque events, it did not come as big as a shock than it should have been."

He turned towards Harry Potter, "Harry, I had to make a tough decision but as it places future of Wizarding world on stake, I cannot be partial."

"You should not feel worried... after all you are too young to hold Lordship, let alone of 5 houses."

He faced the entire Wizengamot, "I announce the formation of a 5 members investigation committee under by chairmanship."

"Along with me is, Lucius Malfoy who has vast knowledge and experience in Wizarding law and politics. Following him is, our esteemed Albus Dumbledore....though he is somewhat in unique circumstances, his expertise in these matter cannot be ignored."

He continued, "The fourth member, as madam Amelia Bones would be busy is Rufus Scrimgeour. He as chief auror would be very instrumental in guiding the committee regarding the laws of our world."

Amelia scoffed at this but did not say anything.

The minister added in last, "And the 5th member is Tiberius Nott. Like Lord Malfoy, Lord Nott is a person with vast experience and knowledge in Wizarding laws and politics."

Andromeda crackled in an instant. She laughed loudly like a madman for first few seconds.

"Minister Cornelius," she said in between her crackles. "Only a blind and idiot will buy your nonsense of impartiality. With the members of the committee you have formed, the idea of which in itself is rubbish, you talk of impartiality?"

"And sadly this council is full of such people," she concluded.



Oh i can't wait for the next chapter, shit is going to hit the fan