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Hi guys, Im not good expressing myself in words, you know image is my stuff.  I'm very excited about this new project. Let me tell you more about it. I love horror stories and I like to read Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard. I wanted to mix a horror and erotic theme, Shadow Candy is the result.  Qexiqex, Spiral and I team up to bring you this story. 

Im sharing all the jpg images and the PDF, I think is better to read it in the PDF format.

Also I would like to share a playlist so you can read this Graphic Novel at the same time and dive into the atmosphere. I love to listen to music when I read, please try it. This short play list is for the beginning of the story. Here is the Spotify link.


Please let me share Qexiqex words; 

Hello everyone, this is Qex speaking,  When Gula asked me last November if I would be interested in a new project, I was thrilled! I love what we created with Amber Cocoon and looked forward to once again seeing my own words brought to life by Gula's fantastic illustrations.   We quickly agreed on the basic concepts of the project and spent the following months building the plot together, a phase that is always the most exciting for me. I had a lot of fun bouncing around ideas with Gula, seeing first sketches and brainstorming scenarios - some silly, some hot, some cute and some scary.   Many of those ideas got included in the final version, but of course some got scrapped along the way as well. In the end, I believe we have crafted quite a unique and hopefully intriguing tale, a dark, lovecraftian graphic novel in which Yeina could once again show off her sexy body.  As can be expected by a project of Gula and myself, there is plenty of trouble ahead for our favorite warrior's fantastic boobs (which she of course bravely endures). There will be lots of bulging flesh and stretched pillows, unspeakable horrors and squishy challenges. Any fan of Yeina is in for a real treat! So if you enjoyed Amber Cocoon or any of Gula's and my previous work, this should be right up your alley.  I look forward to seeing all your feedback once you've had a good first taste of our Shadow Candy. But be careful, you might get addicted to that stuff ;-)  I want to take this opportunity to thank not only Gula for all the work that he put into this project (and continues doing so with every new illustration he is adding) but also to Spiral who was a great proof-reader and reviewer. Spiral caught plenty of slip-ups, inconsistencies and other mistakes and even provided some additional scenes that you will now be able to enjoy in the final text.  Happy reading!




i was excited as soon as you posted. i didnt have time to read it right away but now i just finished! im so eager to read the next chapter! i'm very curious why they call breasts shadow candy and that haunted forest with Amelie! obviously i want to see some sort of hands on bukkake haha but also very invested in this story.


Wait, does her breasts get freed? :(


This is a different timeline. Very fair question. I will explain it soon. Thanks for asking :)


Thanks. Im glad you could read it. And yes there will be some action on the next chapter. This new friends are so lucky. Many mysteries will be solved on the next chapters.

G Patreon Fan

This is a really neat story and I like it! Sorry it took me a while to respond this time.


What a treat to return from holiday to :) Looking forward to some good old fashioned boob torture as the story progresses, and it sounds like a breast hanging may be happening - it's been a while since Yeina was swung by her tits!


Hi, Im glad you like the story, yeah there will be a lot of punishment on this story. I already uploaded chapter 2, please let me know your toughts.


Just commented on chapter 2, loving it so far :)