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Hi guys, happy new year, Ive been bussy the last days and could finish this piece. You already saw the sketch and I add some little detail here and there. It was a fun work to start the year, I hope you like it!!!!
I have several projects to work on this period and I hope you join me in this new adventure. I appreciate your support and thank you for be here.



G Patreon Fan

Love it! She always looks most beautiful under some kind of discomfort.

Old Shagnasty

Love to see her hanging from her orbs. Hopefully they will be turning purple and vein covered before the safety catch releases her. (if it isn't stuck of course).


Love it, excellent! Pov, boobs, device, 2018 looks like to be a promising year for Yeina's boobs' torture 😋


Looks awesome gula! I am very excited to see what stuff you come up with in 2018, you never disappoint!


Yeina looks great as ever - is there a hi-res link? I might be being blind :)