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This was a spur-of-the-moment thing I did, but I'm glad I did, as it was a lot of fun to do! I've seen rapid growth on my X/Twitter page since I started actively using it about a month and a half ago, so I reached out to get some requests to do this 'six fan art challenge.' Five of these girls were mentioned on X, while Quetzalcoatl was requested a while ago. I enjoyed doing this, so I plan to do this every month! If you haven't followed me on Twitter, I would love it if you could give me a follow if you use Twitter! I'm not allowed to directly link to it (a small handful of images I've done, like Frieren, are outside Patreon's terms of service), but you can find me there by looking up my username (@metalchromex).

On a related note regarding images outside of Patreon's terms of service, I am almost done with a private commission for Rika Furude's 18-year-old high school design (she's got a small chest and a youthful appearance, which Patreon doesn't like to see). These images should be up on Twitter later today as a free download if you are interested (I used to post external links on Pixiv, but they recently made me re-do my entire profile page there as they don't like me linking to external content that's uncensored...which still really annoys me as I know there are plenty of pages that are bigger than mine doing it!).
Patreonの利用規約外の画像に関連して、古手梨花の18歳の高校生デザイン(彼女は胸が小さくて若々しい外見をしているが、Patreonはそれを見たがらない)の個人的な依頼がほぼ終わった。これらの画像は今日中にツイッターで無料ダウンロードできるはずなので、興味のある方はどうぞ (以前はPixivに外部リンクを貼っていたのですが、最近、無修正の外部コンテンツへのリンクを嫌がるので、プロフィールページ全体を作り直させられました...私のページより大きなページがたくさんあるのを知っているので、今でも本当に腹立たしいです!)



Damien Alicea

Nice. Mine is: 1. Buzam A. Calessa from Vandread saga. 2. Misako Higashijujo a.k.a. Rosario Misa from Cyber Team In Akihabara. 3. Sei from Burst Angel. 4. Professor Momone from Twisted Tales of Tokyo. 5. Baiko from Saber Marionette J saga & 6. Tamasaburo from Saber Marionette J saga.

Damien Alicea

By the way, the Vandread character of Buzam A. Calessa, is actually she's a men. In episode 10 - 11 of Vandread 2nd Stage, Buzam switched the voice-changing collar device; green is for women's voice & red is for men's voice. His real name is Tenmei Uragasumi.