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For this month’s Patron Spotlight, we get to learn more about makers and Mandos and armor, oh my! I’m delighted to introduce Chris Horii, a.k.a Korium9 online. A lifelong geek in his own words, Chris journeyed from graphic design major to cosplay photographer to lightsaber choreographer and Mandalorian Merc.

Chris only started cosplaying in 2014 but quickly found a home. “Most of my early convention going was bolstering my photography interest,” he said, “But one random meet-up led me down a rabbit hole to taking a class in lightsaber choreography called Saber Combat!” Seeing others  learn the ways of the Force was enough to draw him in for good. You can see Chris as Obi Wan in this combat demo.

After a few years of Saber Combat and joining the Mandalorian Mercs, Chris found a local group called Lightsaber Team for consistent, choreographed lightsaber exercises. During the pandemic, Chris and the team have taken to Zoom for regular workouts. “Gotta keep moving, in every sense of the word,” he says.

I asked his favorite part about joining the Mandalorian Mercs and Chris wrote a novel! Without keeping you here all day (even though I’m sure you’d love to read more), he shared that the community aspect is key, which I’m sure so many of us can relate to. He says, “There’s definitely a community, almost extended family, aspect that I really like about the Mercs.” He went on to share how the Mercs and the whole Star Wars community comes together for costuming events, conventions, and even red carpet premieres. From online forums to local armor parties, Star Wars truly brings people together. Plus, there’s nothing like kids coming up to you in costume (I agree)!

Being part of the Mercs led Chris to a mentoring position, which he says “really added to my normally introverted personality.” He found a soft spot for once-a-month armor parties where everyone could bring their materials and tools to work on their current projects. Everyone could share information, help out with construction, and enjoy an afternoon together.

I’m one of those people who’s easily daunted by armor builds, but Chris wasn’t deterred by the challenge. He started with a quick, one-week build for Boba Fett and is chock-full of advice for new armor-makers. EVA and Sintra construction, Halloween helmets with modifications, 3D printed pieces: Chris has seen it all. He says, “When it comes to building things, I forgo a lot of the barriers and just revel in the collective maker enthusiasm.”

His advice for getting into cosplay? “I have to echo what a lot of people say, which is to ‘Just start’,” Chris shared. “Group crafting sessions and group cosplay can make things easier as there is a direct community support network.” Between cosplay, Mandalorian Mercs, the Lightsaber Team, and more, Chris is obviously committed to building this powerful costuming community.

You can see more of Chris’s work on Instagram and Facebook! If he inspires you to pick up a saber or dust off your armor, check out the Lightsaber Team and Mandalorian Mercs.

Photo Credits (in order)




(3rd pic was taken by Matt, the Sabercombat instructor after a class -- can't remember on whose phone/camera)

Marcus Beirne

That's an amazing highlight Ginny. This might actually motivate me into doing a Mandolorian helmet. Thank you! 👍


I really enjoy these creator highlights that you do! It is a wonderful highlight of these folks 💖☮️


Neat! You have some super cool patrons Ginny. Thanks for sharing, Chris!