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When I put together my set for this month's POV video, at first I lit it the way I light my normal video content — even, flat lighting, mostly just designed to be bright and flattering. But it didn't feel right for this scene, which was supposed to be a villain's office. Instead, I took some cues from a more cinematic school of lighting: I moved the key light to the side, eliminated the fill light, and added a colored backlight on the dark side of the frame. These are unedited stills, just taken so I could easily compare the changes, but they give a pretty good idea of how the finished video will look!



Ardent Slacker

I'm amazed at how much the shadow makes the skele-bird visually pop.


Cool comparison! I also love that a villainess has Emily Post’s etiquette guide on her shelves, as well as the standard leather bound volumes. Awesome set detail.