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This whole costume has to be done & shot by Monday at the latest, so I spent all day making the tiny inclusions (popsicle sticks, foam, and modeling clay) and putting together the skirt! The skirt was definitely a big test — I haven’t worked with this type of material before, and I wasn’t 100% sure everything would look how I was imagining it once it was all put together. Now that the skirt is pretty much done, I feel a lot of relief!! It looks just like I wanted, and I think the rest of the dress should go pretty smoothly.

Tomorrow I’ll make the bodice and sleeves, put it all together, and take care of a few accessories. Then Monday will be shoot & edit! It’s definitely going to be tight, but tbh, I have to be making more calendar progress than I’ve been making anyway, and this costume is part of the calendar, so it’s multi-purpose stress! 😰




This cracks me up.


This is turning out so freaking cute