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Hello, friends! I just wanted to thank you all for your patience with me blundering through this first, extremely messy and flawed attempt at a Patron Secret Santa! Here are some lessons that I learned:

  • Organize everything much earlier so folks have time to shop and ship!
  • Ask that Secret Santas include a note in their gift identifying themselves
  • Ask that recipients provide any relevant social media links so that their Santa can snoop more effectively
  • Either keep a better spreadsheet, or use a Secret Santa service to better keep track of folks' progress towards their gifts
  • Enlist help from a few Patrons to organize and execute the event so that everybody isn't waiting on my perpetually-behind ass!

I will be putting these things into practice in 2020, because despite the hiccups, you all overwhelmingly had so much fun with this and I can't wait to improve it! There are a few things I'd like to hear from you guys:

If you signed up and didn't receive your gift, please send me a message! I want to get to the bottom of it and make sure nothing got lost or confused.

If you have any other suggestions for next year, please put them in the comments! Even if you provided this feedback privately or in the Discord already, it would be very helpful to have it all compiled in one thread that I can easily reference in, say, October when I'm setting up the 2020 Secret Santa.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding as I work out the kinks of events like this! You guys are the best community I could possibly ask for and I want to make sure I'm doing my best for you! I hope you all had a lovely holiday season!



I LOVE this kind of engagement! I regret not signing up earlier, but I hope everybody got a present they really loved! ❤️


I loved participating this year! It was so fantastic, and I second using Elfster. Also, I would be willing to help out for the next time if you need it!