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HELLO! I feel kind of weird asking this, and feel free to ignore it, but just in case you have something to say... I made a little form for Patron testimonials!

I'm about to launch a special offer (Dec 1! More info soon!) that will hopefully bring some more Patrons in, and I'd love to be able to tell them why they should become a Patron not with my words, but with yours.

The form linked here has a few prompts, a section for you to write whatever you like, and the option to either sign it with your name, or leave it anonymous. To be very clear: Whatever you write here, I may use publicly on my social media! By filling out this form, you're basically giving me permission to publish your words.

I also want to note that if you have anything else you'd like to discuss about Patreon — suggestions, questions, concerns, etc. — you can always reach me by private message or email!


Patron Testimonials

Feel free to answer any questions you like - there's no need to answer all of them!



Why is this being posted on a Sunday? Seriously though, glad to help!


Glad to give you positive support and feedback 💜