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"Where She Sleeps" has just passed 70,000 views, making it my fourth most popular video of all time, and likely third within another few hours and second within a few days, if the numbers keep growing like they've been doing.

First, I wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you, not just for watching and enjoying the video, but because I wouldn't be here today, making stuff like this, if it weren't for you guys. Being able to produce this video — not just having the time, thanks to not having another full-time job, but also having the budget to pay Blake for instrumental tracks and audio engineering this regularly; to buy props and set pieces; to license cover songs and parodies; etc. — is 100% because of your pledges.

Second, I'm so thrilled and grateful for how many new Patrons have pledged in the last few days! I'm so excited to get to know you guys, and welcome you to the Patron party!!

And third, you know how much I love being super transparent about the business side of everything, so : I'm going to be making a lot more Critical Role stuff. Not just because I love it (and geez, I love it so much) but because it's doing very, very well. Since I started making Critical Role content, my YouTube revenue has increased massively, and I'm sure that once the numbers start coming in, my music revenue will have increased as well. This fandom has taken my YouTube income from 0.5% of my monthly income to 10% — a huge leap! 

That means that if you love Critical Role too, great! But if you aren't a Critter, I hope you'll still enjoy the finished products regardless. I encourage you to check out CR if you can (it makes me so happy, I want other people to experience it, too!) but of course I also understand that not everyone is going to love it. If you end up getting CritRole'd out and choose to stop pledging, I want to say ahead of time that I completely understand, and I appreciate every dollar you've pledged to me so far.

I'll be giving some updates on my upcoming Critical Role plans in the Patron livestream tomorrow! I hope to see some of you there. And as always, feel free to message me if you have any questions or just want to chat about anything!




Hope You are Well :-) Make that 201,716 views as of now, very Impressive for only one month. It still Astounding how You can sing the way You do & then add to that Jesters accent, WOW. Have a Marvelous day Ginny Di. Take Care & all My Best Wishes.


Oh forgot to mention how Brilliant those animations were, very Cool :-)