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Updates on Pin-Ups... see what I did there?

ANYWAY, you guys may have noted that I've missed literally all of my pin-up deadlines so far (SIGH... we were originally hoping to have pre-orders launched a week ago.)

I was planning on shooting three more pin-ups this weekend, but kept running into small problems until eventually time ran out and we had to postpone again. But I'm doing my damnedest to get the final costumes done and photos shot this week! Here's where I'm at:

MADE & SHOT: Daenerys, Sansa, Arya, Melisandre, Brienne, Nymeria
MADE & NOT SHOT: Cersei, Shae, Yara, Margaery
NOT MADE & NOT SHOT: Ygritte, Ellaria, Septa Unella

I'm putting the sleeves on Septa Unella today, and kicking myself for having left the two hardest costumes for last!! Hopefully I'll get Unella done today, Ygritte tomorrow, and Ellaria on Wednesday (because Thursday and Friday are booked up.) Then I'll shoot the last of the pin-ups over the weekend and FINALLY BE ABLE TO BREATH for the first time in two months. At least... hopefully!

I want to stay excited about this project, but to be honest, all I'm thinking about right now is Critical Role and it's like pulling teeth to get myself to work on Game of Thrones when it's just not what I'm pumped about right now. Hopefully making more CR content my reward for finishing the calendar will help (although I'm still worried about doing a good job marketing the calendar if I just don't care... hm. Maybe I'll be more excited when it's all finished.)




Like the idea of making CR your reward, and got absolute faith that you will indeed make the whole calendar an incredible success!!! When all is said and done, you deliver excellence, because that is part of who you are!! And it's own awesomeness will be a major selling factor, who in geekdom doesn't love GOT? Keep moving forward, and you will get over this challenge, like you get over and kick the ass of any challenge in your way!! And CR will always be there waiting for you!


Thanks Patrick!! You’re right — CR isn’t going anywhere!


I paint miniatures and I know from time to time I get tired of working on any given model. Maybe it's not turning out as well as I like or it's the 35th freaking skeleton I've pained... I just want to do do something else. But I find that if I keep at it, keep working on it then I reach a point where I think 'you know I really like this' and everything was well worth it in the end. :) Just wanted to give you a little encouragement today. :)


Thanks John, I appreciate that!! I'm sure you're right and I'll feel the same once things start coming together towards the end — once I see how all my hard work is coming together, I'm sure I'll start feeling better about it!