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I feel like I've been kind of all-over-the-place lately, so I wanted to touch base real quick and give you guys some updates!

Inquisitor Lavellan

I know this one's been dragging on (trust me, I didn't want that to happen either...) but I'm so, so close to being done with this costume!! Once I knock out the photoshoot, I can finalize the vast majority of the remaining January Inquisitor rewards in just a few days.

I'll also be wearing this in my next music video, which will be for the Dragon Age: Inquisition tavern song "Samson's Tale." The tavern song album is scheduled for release in late March/early April, so the music video will be coming out alongside that.

The first image here is just some of my progress on the pants! I'm just embellishing some existing pants, but it's taking forever because there are just so many details!

Arya Stark Cloak

I'm making some updates and additions to my Arya Stark season 7 costume for a group photoshoot in mid March (the one with Caitlin as Sansa!) — this is mainly just little tweaks (new boots, new belt buckle, hopefully the catspaw dagger if I have time) but I'm also making Arya's cloak, which is a beautiful piece that I really want to do justice to.

A few people have made the cloak, but no one has really nailed the fabric (which is understandable, because it's a very unique woven fabric in a super weird color.) I hunted around for over a month before finally finding a blanket that I thought would be perfect for it. It arrived, it was perfect, I was happy — and then I cut it out backwards, rendering it completely unusable, and now the supplier is out of stock. I found one of the same blanket available on eBay, ordered it, and then my order was cancelled because "the item is damaged and needs to be returned to the supplier." I told them I'd take the damaged item, but they haven't gotten back to me yet, so I ordered an alternative (pictured above) that I think will be subpar and to be honest, I'm SUPER frustrated and angry at myself about it.

Anyway, regardless, you'll be seeing more Arya updates soon, hopefully more positive ones!


I started working on Crysta (from Ferngully) as a for-fun side project recently when I implemented a new scheduling system to force myself to "clock out" from self employment and give myself some downtime in the evenings. She came together really fast! All that's left is wig styling and the wings.

I'm thinking about doing a cosplay #MichaelsChallenge and bringing her to a Michaels floral department, since otherwise I probably won't be able to shoot her until the weather warms up.

That's about it! I know the rewards are getting a little out of order, so I'm hoping to get everything cleared up and back on track this week — otherwise it may take a little longer, since I'm moving into my new apartment next weekend, which will be a big undertaking!

Thanks for always being so flexible and supportive, even when I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off!! <3 Please don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions or concerns about anything!




Whenever you promise us something wonderful, you ALWAYS give us that, or even beyond wonderful! And what you do isn't easy, even Crysta would take time and skill to do right, so more complex costumes done to a high standard of quality require a lot from you to be as great as you always give. We have faith in you and what you do! So don't stress, and just do what you do, make them the greatest works any cosplayer could ever create! Just as long as you can be happy in your work, we will be happy right along with you!


I'm looking forward to seeing the how wings turn out. Ask your dad for a small motor, so they can flitter. :)


I'll have enough trouble fitting a harness/support for the wings under that tiny top, let's not even think about motors XD


Thanks Patrick!! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your consistent, enthusiastic support! &lt;3