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SO. My internet went out, and restarting the router isn’t solving it (maybe it’s a local outage?) so I guess we’re rescheduling the stream for next weekend. 😞 I’m sorry!!

Additionally, I’m experiencing some kind of Instagram glitch where any posts I try to make to my Patron Instagram account (even stories) are going to my main account instead, so I can’t update that Instagram right now.

EDIT: I was very concerned about the Instagram problem because I knew a girl who had the same problem and tried everything and nothing fixed it, but I deleted my app & logged in fresh and it's fixed, so... PHEW. That's solved, at least!

SO GREAT 👌 I’ll keep you guys updated!



Don't worry, it's understandable. Next weekend will be good!


No worries on our end. Hope it gets sorted with minimal hassle for you!!


Fingers crossed!