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I haven't been able to get anything decent done lately but I wanted to show that I'm still around, and because I was also curious... what would you guys want to see more of? Would you like to see more art of some series in particular? More variety when it comes to body types? Maybe original stuff? Some short stories, maybe 2 or 3 pages, probably r18?

No poll because I wanted this to be more of an "anything goes" kinda thing but yea, feel free to post and let me know your thoughts while I work on getting something out there in the next couple days.



def some different body types, and maybe some girls frontline grills


Goblin slayer girls <3


When i see first time your pic i see busty boob hamakaze i want see like that😄


Ah, well I've only just become a patron today, but if you're taking suggestions... I'm quite partial to flat girls, would love to see more.


maybe a change of pace for a bit might help? Like maybe looser sketches or different image cropping. Seems like you've been in kind of a funk for awhile and maybe this might help


I’m pretty biased towards thicc bodies, but I think short stories would be nice. More original characters and content would be cool too.

Jay james

Bigger tiddies, hardcore.


I think. Like Kiri said, a change of pace might be good. Maybe try drawing characters you've never done before, or from series you've never done before. Maybe try different poses, or art that focuses on individual body parts (boobs, butt, thighs, belly, armpit, face during blowjob)


As for what I what I want, I'd mostly like more paizuri.


More flat girls would be interesting for sure; I agree with what Donjon has said 100%, even though I only just started supporting today.


more nsfw versions of your drawings, sorry I’m months late but I became a patron this morning and felt pretty underwhelmed by the lack of nsfw, most of these pieces I can view for free on your twitter or pixiv.


good idea!