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Here's last nights show. It's looking like I'll beat last month's record of 10 shows for the month, all thanks to your support.


The Snow Plow Show

This is a channel to post the full live shows and podcasts from the Phone Losers of America. There will not be any individual pranks on this channel - just gigantic shows that last for hours. If you like shows like The Phone Show, The Snow Plow Show, PLA Radio and Big Beef Bueno, then get a life.



Huzzah, not only did I sponsor this episode, one of my voice mails made it on to the show.


Also, thanks for the frequent episodes, they make mornings at work more bearable.


You're welcome! I'm really hoping I can start doing more. Right now the only thing in my way is all this dumb WORK I have to do in the mornings.


OMG sooo funny @min 7:50 buahahah