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This morning I was watching some cart narcs and Sebastian was calling people litterbugs which really made me want to call people litterbugs. So I did. And here’s an episode that’s partially about that. The other half is me being outed a bunch because the entire neighborhood had been warned about me. And for that I blame ArbitraryAlex. The opening song is by Apollo. The background music is Mambo No 8. The ending song is by ME.




First guy sounded a little like Kissel.


7/11 Prank Call Ideas 1. Call from the coorporate office, telling them that due to their store being situated in a hotspot for key and emergency workers, they're opening the store an extra 30 minutes each night until 11:30pm to coincide with the updated post-covid shift patterns of the emergency workers. This will be effective immediately. "There's updated signage on the way out to you, but due to a courier delay, we're going to need you to amend the current signs with a sharpie and update the closing time to 11:30" 2. Call from coorporate, asking if they have received the new store code delivery signage that needs to be displayed on the door. This new signage is basically a code that has been designed to make it easier for delivery drivers to identify the stock that needs to be dropped off to each specific store. It should eliminate errors. When they say no, ask them to get paper and pen and make a temporary sign, until the official one arrives. When they have paper and pen, start dictating "codes" to be written out in big bold letters, then displayed on the door. An example could be" P zero O P Y A S 5 H Zero L E

Sparkle with Thirst Pockets

lolololol. excellence. i don't think RBCP would do those pranks though. That's better for someone else. If you find someone that does these ideas let us know.


Hopefully RBCP can bounce something off these ideas and channel them into Stevedave.

Sparkle with Thirst Pockets

i love the idea of convincing the employees to stay for 30 min after their normal shift end store closing. do you realize how mad both they and their supervisors will be when it comes to discussing overtime pay?


It's the temporary graffitti'ng of the signage that does it for me. 🤣🤣


Great now I have to catch up on 300 hobosodes. Jeez, THANKS


Lmao "voice DNA"


So much for 2 hobosodes a week! Thanks for nothin Brad!


Yep, I failed as usual. I tried getting a 7-11 show done yesterday but didn't quite finish the call segment. I'm working on that now, then Hobosode tomorrow. Hopefully.


Well I really enjoyed that 711 episode at work today, will never get tired of the lost disc-man


That first guy was like an early 90's Jerky Boys NY area target. Did you hack time traveling calls?