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This Hobosode contains a few religious miracles, so brace yourself for some life changing events, like Jesus Christ appearing on some lady’s garage door. JT is my spiritual wingman. The opening song is by Marinalin. The background music is Young Wild and Free by Wiz and Snoop. The ending song is by Trevelyn.




Nobby-guy, was that you in the last Snow Plow Show talking about the Prank Call Call Center, you didn't sound like yourself. Also, I still crack-up about the lady voicemailer who said she likes Brad because he is so kind and a nice guy, HAHA, I don't think she has listened to much, and will be shocked to discover the further she goes back the more she will be eating her words... I guess compared to PrankNET he is a saint!




This episode was fucking stupid.


When you said you were Christian, you wern't kidding!

Sparkle with Thirst Pockets

what's the artists' name who did this intro? it's like freezepop or something.


Her name is Marinalin. Some Fiverr girl. You're probably thinking of Shiftypop who did the SPS intro song and is also a Fiverr girl.


RBCP, have you ever thought about prank calling patient rooms at hospitals? It could be a whole new frontier in comedy!


Brad, can you tell people there's a dog on their roof? Also accuse people of using your WiFi. 💋


I wish Nobby-guy would have a 1 or 2 call feature of his own (or with Brad) once in a while.

Cringe Rocket

"Separation of Religion and HOA." Bravo