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Hi!  I did a show today, but I don't have time to post it to the YouTube or the RSS feed because I'm leaving for the day in about 30 minutes, so I'm just gonna throw the mp3 on here for you guys to enjoy.  So HERE IT IS!

This show will include video when I upload it to YouTube.  I thought I would have time to finish all this up, but I don't.  Stupid stupid stupid me.  This will be on the feeds by tomorrow afternoon.  Feel free to share the file with other people, even with those lowly non-Patreon listeners.

I love all of you.




If you show a little more skin next time -- I'll up my monthly donation to $2.


Ok Brad, Ive convinced myself that without my 5$ a month donation you will go under. So your welcome for keeping you in business. Keep up the good work. Cactus Cactus