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I've been having hosting problems lately, mostly with one of my hosts having a problem with me storing around 20 gigs of podcast archives onto an otherwise empty hosting account. Apparently they don't like this. They've asked me to cut it out and they've been either throttling or denying listeners who try to download shows the past few days.

So I've uploaded the 3 most recent shows to a NEW hosting place, which I'm hoping will work out better and won't be too expensive. I've updated the download links for the 3 most recent shows on all 3 podcast feeds. Please let me know if you have any problems listening with these new links. Users of certain podcast apps might have problems convincing the app to refresh the download links, so good luck with that. (The new host is the one that's NOT bigbeefbueno.com)

Also, I've been seriously slacking off for the past couple of weeks. Real life and work have been keeping me busy, so getting even 1 show out per week has been tough. I'm predicting things should get back to normal for me next week, so hopefully I'll be back to 2 - 3 shows per week that don't seem like they're phoned in. Thanks for not hating me too much for this.

ALSO also, I'm going to be screwing around with the hosting on phonelosers.com so you might notice weird issues with it (and phonelosers.org) over the next couple of days. I'm hoping to make the constant ddosing of my sites less effective, because it sure sucks dealing with that instead of creating new shows for you guys.

As always, thanks a ton for being Patreon contributors and making all of this crazy stuff possible this past year.  It's because of people like you that a man told me to shove a doorknob up my ass this yesterday, and for this I am forever grateful to all of you.  <3


Snow Plow Show - July 30th, 2015 - Income And Doorknobs

In today's show, sponsored by Ben Kilburn, we call a bunch of hotel guests and find out that pretty much all of them make more money in a day than I do in a month.



Even the hobo king deserves time off. Your short edited shows still better than most prank shows. Time for a secret show and break all the rules!