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I'm attempting to do a new show and this is attempt #1 at it.  Jiad joins me for an hour while we take calls from listeners and we talk about Calls of Mass Confusion and other pranky type things.  The tentative plan is to do this whenever I feel like it (no live show schedule), have one guest on, take calls, and try to keep it around an hour.  What do you guys think?

Hopefully the video up there works.  I remember last time I posted a Facebook video link, it wouldn't play.  If you can't watch it, find it at https://www.facebook.com/phonelosers 


Phone Losers of America

I'm doing a live thing with Jiad for about an hour. It is NOT gay.



By the way, it's Jiad's fault that I didn't get yesterday's show edited and posted. He said he was ready to do this new show, so 3 hours later we did it. Fuckin' Jiad.


we need more co-hosts. Not that we dont love you but pranks with 2 people is always a lot of fun! :)