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This episode of Brad’s Cactus Shack activates my old man story mode so I can tell stories about old men. Then I play some old 90’s Dino audio that can barely be heard, but it’s okay because I tell you small parts of what he probably said, then drone on and on about OCI for a bit. We wrap it up with voicemails from an ex-employer of mine that I remembered being funnier back when I recorded them. The opening bit is from old Q106.5 broadcasts, background music is Walk Of Life by Dire Straights, and the ending music is I Am Very Happy Right Now by Bonecage




you rock man! keep up the great work!


Why yes there is! <a href="http://www.notla.com/feed/podcast" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.notla.com/feed/podcast</a>

Little Yellow Ducks

Can you please explain what Brad's Cactus Shack is again...