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Here's a show to test out a new idea of getting employees to audition for upcoming radio commercials in a wacky cartoon voice.  It's not a bad trial run, even if everyone sucks at "cartoon" voices.  I blame FOD87, the sponsor of this episode.

If you want to submit some ideas for the live show that's sure to happen in the near future, here's the Facebook poll.




Great idea - can't wait for the live show!


@Henrik - I remember that free phone thing.. I wrote a quick app back in the day where you put in how many minutes you wanted to call for and the number you wanted to call and it used the modem and sent AT commands to make it wait through the appropriate number of ads and let you know when to pick up the phone


yes, I'm old enough to call desktop applications apps. It is bullshit mobile phones stole the term, but whatever.