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I wanted to do about 2 dozen car ding calls in this hobosode and Brown Magic insisted that I only do one.  I'm sorry, everyone, but my hands are tied.  He also forced me, at rolled-up newspaper point, to use Lady Gaga as the background music.  

In this hobosode we also learn a little of Sensei Doug's origin story.  But we learn it all incorrectly because I appear to be in the early stages of dementia and have already forgotten how the story goes and that I've already attempted to tell his origin before where I also got it all wrong.  Listen to the exciting retraction in Hobosode 46.  

Be sure to visit Longmont Potion Castle's YouTube channel and listen to a few of their calls.  Sensei Doug art is by Nik Caesar .



Jimmy Soma

Hey Arbie, this is like the third time you've told the origin of Sensei Doug wrong. Sensei Doug originated with the Baby Love call. The martial arts studio above Baby Love is called Cuong Nhu. Baby Love has since moved, but Cuong Nhu is still there. It's in Atlanta. And BTW, it's actually Sensei Dong, not Sensei Doug. I think you visited the karate studio's website and read the name wrong in the beginning, or maybe you thought Sensei Doug was funnier. Finally, Sensei Dong passed away in 2000. So your calls have brought him back from the dead! <a href="http://www.cnatl.org/overview.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.cnatl.org/overview.html</a> <a href="http://www.cuongnhu.com/About-Cuong-Nhu/The-Founder" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.cuongnhu.com/About-Cuong-Nhu/The-Founder</a> <a href="http://www.cuongnhu.com/About-Cuong-Nhu/The-Founder/Memorial" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.cuongnhu.com/About-Cuong-Nhu/The-Founder/Memorial</a>

Michael Winter

Sensei Dong is hilarious. Should chuck that in every now and then