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Ok guys, I have some news! I will take the delayed requests from March and then I will take a  vacation from Patreon untill May (I will not take requests in April), with this I will also be able to accommodate my times a little better and start again! But I will not to leave you with nothing for Abril, I wanted to make a poll to choose a full color drawing (nsfw or sfw) that will be available for $5 to $17 patreons (the last one will have the WIPs of course)

Tell me if you like the idea, if you don't agree and prefer to wait for me when I return there is no problem either!

And last, you can leave here your requests. I'll try to post them all before next payment.



If you need a break you need a break, and I'm proud of you for recognizing and taking it. You just got threw finals right? Anyone would be worn out.


No rush to get these done by payment, but if you *feel* like filling any of these, I would love to see: 1)Hog, distressed, holding a badly injured Rat. 2) Rat supporting an injured Hog as they flee. 3) water gun fight with beachrat skin and whatever you imagine Roadhog would wear? 4) junkrat and Octane high fiving bc you know they'd be bros