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Hey All,

Unfortunately we are not going to be able to hit our end of month deadline for Episode 17 release and instead we will have to push until March.

I haven't taken this decision lightly but based on where we are at the moment, I just don't want to string people along and drop the news on the 27th of this month, so I'm going to call it now.

For those of you that have been following my previous updates, you'll know that we lost our primary artist for the game and this set us back in our dev plans for Episode 17.  We managed to onboard two new artists (Red & Cameo) and based on that I thought we'd make up the lost time and get back on track.  But unfortunately Cameo had to drop out because he just wasn't in a position to deliver  what was required and his hardware just wasn't up to scratch.

So the artwork that he had planned on completing is dead in the water and will need to be spread out between me and Red.

We thought of a few options like cutting some scenes, etc. but we decided against this as we want to deliver the full episode as promised (plus more).  

I know it's not good news but please be assured that I have put more hours per day/week into the game over the past few weeks than I've put into any of the previous episodes (lots of all-nighters, etc.) and Ace and Red have also been working non-stop, so the delays are not due to a lack of effort.   And even Phalzyr jumped back in to give us a dig out.

So onto some good news.   Based on the delay, we are going to ensure that Episode 17 when it finally arrives will be our biggest episode ever.  We are going to add a few more scenes - and squeeze in another couple of appearances.

Red's skill is really top-notch so I'm fully confident that he is going to up the quality of our artwork and he has already made some fantastic improvements to our style.  So I'm really excited about what he is going to bring to the game in Episode 17 and future episodes.

We have also been busy make some GUI improvements such as: updated stats screen;  ability to check stats throughout the game, rather than just at end of episode; added a gallery option where you can play out specific scenes with characters just to see how they look - even if they weren't in your regular playthru or if you didn't meet the required attribute checks; an ability to name your saves plus another couple of cosmetic changes).

And lastly, based on Cameo's departure - we have another new artist (Cell) being onboarded at the moment and he is another very talented artist - just need a bit more time to get him all the assets, files he needs and bring him up to speed on requirements.

Also - For any of you that don't renew your patronage for March, I still want you to get the relevant access that you were entitled to if the game dropped this month, so if you drop your pledge, please send me a message (I've no other way to track it) and I'll make sure you get the game when it drops next month (Based on your February tier even if you're no longer a patron in March).

As usual - please let me know your comments  in the comments or send me a direct message.  




Daniel Daigneault

people are leaving since the last couple days, its been crazy... i guess no one got patience anymore nowadays


Actually Daniel, the patreon count has been really steady all considered I think, for which we are grateful and intend to repay with a nice quality upgrade coming in EP17. The recent losses are actually a pretty normal thing for most devs at the end of every month. Some might be leaving, but others are often credit card declines (maxed out) who usually reup and come back soon. (we hope) :D