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Hi folks,

Let me start by saying that Cell read all of the messages that you posted and although he is not in the head-space to reply to them all individually at the moment, he wanted me to pass on his thanks for the kind words.

I also wanted to say thanks to everyone who responded to my recent direct messages looking for feedback on tiers / rewards and some other general items. Based on that, I made a couple of tweaks to the tier rewards (check your relevant tiers for more details), but the changes are minor and nothing that was being offered previously as a perk has been removed. But one thing that will change is that I will post (at least weekly) dev updates and increase my interaction here (including polls, etc.), bring back the monthly 4K renders and also (starting next month) introduce some extra bonus 4K renders for specific seasons / holidays, etc. (e.g. Summer, Halloween, Christmas, etc.), so watch this space.

The most recent version of the re-do (Season 1) that was released, brought us up to Chapter 5 and covered the original episodes 1-8. Chapter 6 of Season 1 will cover the original episodes 9 and 10 and will be the final chapter of the re-do (finally getting to the end). I have also added the android files for the last demo. Remember, the android version is created by a third-party.

(Can access android from the original link here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/re-do-july-links-107840198)

It's been 10 days since the last release and I haven't heard a lot of feedback, so not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... :) So, please let me know what you thought of the last chapter (Bella date, party scene, etc.)

The past 10 days has been a bit of a mish-mash as I had a few minor errors / typos / bugs to correct (thanks to anyone who pointed stuff out) as I want to fix these as I go, rather than let them build up to a mountain of work at the end. I also created a new trailer for WTHI on Steam (https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/2287710 ) and I've obviously gotten started on the last chapter of the re-do (see some teasers below). I am aiming to get the last chapter complete (minus music / sfx / GUI updates) in the latter part of next month, but I'll keep you all posted in my weekly updates.

And as mentioned previously, I have also been doing a little bit of legwork / planning on episode 25, so we can hit the ground running on that as soon as season 1 is done. I am also (finally) ready to start recruiting and expand the team. (And if all things go well and we find good candidates, there might even be opportunity to get them started on season 25 in parallel with me closing out season 1. (fingers crossed). That's probably enough words for now, so I'll leave you with some teasers (and some polls will follow). Let me know if you have any questions / inputs in the comment section below or via DM and I'll get back to all of them.

Thanks CG






Jose Carlos Escalera Cernuda

Muchas gracias, me encanta como va quedando la nueva verión y soy también de la opinión que un final con posibilidad de harem, no quedaría mal.


love the new update reworkd the bella date looks amazing