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Hey everyone,

Poor timing, I know, but unfortunately I'm going to be away with my family from the 10th to the 16th, so I won't be streaming next week. I'll be unlikely to even have access to the internet.

However, just so I don't leave you high and dry without content, I have scheduled some images for Patreon to automatically upload while I'm away. Namely the four Game Over screens from level 1, half of which should be published on Tuesday, and the other half of which will be published Thursday. They go past pretty quick in-game, and I figure people might want a closer look at them (also it's all I have to share that hasn't already been posted somewhere else.)

I do hope that's sufficient to tide you all over until I get back, and when I am back you can look forward to more Megalith! I think I'm going to skip ahead slightly and do one of her ass-based moves next, because... well, why not! Who doesn't love huge dinosaur ass? In any case, I'll be back to the normal streaming on the 18th, with more QK content coming on the 19th and 21st, as standard.

Thanks, everyone!

