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This drawing style is a model that reflects the most recently developed technologies.
In other words, this is the latest technology.

  • This drawing style can embody the most diverse situations. The level of understanding commands is the highest. Much more than basic style, and even more than animation style.

  • Like the XL style, this style can create dozens of illustrations at once.

  • In the long run, I plan to replace my default style with this one as I practice it. Quality, diversity, and even mass production capabilities. This is because it is a model that only has advantages. The only downside is that the number of characters that can be implemented is smaller than the basic model I was using previously. But time will solve this problem.



Tsubame Sakurai (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-06 01:57:44 Tea in wedding dress is.... Wow !
2024-04-05 18:14:50 Tea in wedding dress is.... Wow !

Tea in wedding dress is.... Wow !

David Ryder

I like all your styles, adding one more makes it that much harder to choose :)