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First of all, I am prepared to follow Patreon's guidelines and respect their operating policies. So, if there is a problem with my post, please give me the opportunity to fix it myself.

Sephiaton (@impercy1418) | PerfTile ART - AIイラスト・マンガ投稿サイト | AIでもっと、創作を楽しもう

If you want to enjoy my illustrations for a long time, please join my PerfTile.

Discord Server for my supporters | Patreon

And if you want to communicate with me in real time for a long time, please come to my discord channel.

The reason I uploaded this notice is because there was a change in Patreon today. When I enter sex-related words in a post, a warning message appears, and a new feature called 'moderation hub' has been created. This is probably a function for creators and administrators to communicate and coordinate when posts that violate the rules are reported.

On a positive note, you can think of this as a change where the management wants to give creators a chance instead of immediately suspending problematic accounts.

If you think about it negatively, it also means that they are starting to censor illustrations in earnest.

Fortunately, I try not to violate Patreon's rules and do not create concepts that involve minors, sexual crimes, or violence. Because they warned me last September. Since then, I have never received a warning from management. However, from now on, management may point out other problems.

Of course, I will work to keep this account intact by coordinating opinions with the management through newly added features. This is the best way.

However, it is okay to have insurance to prepare for the worst-case scenario. If I cannot continue my Patreon activities in the future, please visit here. I will continue my activities. You don't need to subscribe right now. I would appreciate it if you could just follow me. Even if a problem arises with Patreon later, it will be easy for you to find it.

Thank you.


Naito Yoru

Whats with the People that can't use PerfTile? (I can use it but can't pay you there since German .__. )

AOM 토리노

I'm sorry. I will also look for other sites. Of course, the best scenario is for my Patreon page to be maintained for a long time.😊