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The autumn came = sleepy mood appeared D;
Gladly September turned out to be pretty warm. But last few days it is begin to be colder and colder.

We got heating in our apartments and now that wont be a problem unless I need to go outside xD

All the September I mainly spent on Wrong Way animation, because it was soso much important to finish it this month! 

For the next month I will start animation with some official characters from one of the games most of you knows ;3 And they are pretty much furries, yep!

Also sound work is in progress and Im hoping to get it before halloween for the WrongWay one!

Also im thinking of drawing some pictures this month maybe. Some sfw some nsfw. Are you for it?

As for exclusive I've planned one nice thing including a male antopomorfical snek and a cute jackal-girl ;3 Dont miss it!

Well damn, Im so tired now xD I guess Ill go and have some sleep!

But you please enjoy the picture! ;3

 Samus Aran from Metroid! HD in attach!




❤️❤️❤️ Samus is Bae! You seem to have a lot on your plate this month. I love your art, so little sfw/nsfw drawings sprinkled in would be nice.

Skeleton Man

WOW, I see that you have a lot of work for October, cant wait to see it :3 I am very intrigued with mysterious animation you are working on, cant wait to see what game is it :B