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Yo! It seems Leaf spend her summer days on a sunny beach and im spending my summer days in Finland :D (Download moving version in attachment! Available as wallpaper in a wallpaper engine also! - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3280336084 )

Ye, I went to Finland again, Im already living a month here. At the start of this trip I was feeling Im at my final straw before abandoning everything and staying in Russia ngl. My physycal powers are drained as well as mental ^^'

But I've FINALLY managed to open 2 bank accounts (1 for personal use another for tax paying etc) and also I've got registered as a self-employed ^^ FInally its moving, Finally I can recieve salary again, wooo! 2 years without withdrawals hahaha maybe even my "lack of money" anxiety will go away!

Btw opening a bank account was quite a challenge. They didnt want to trust me and even asked documents that are 2 years old! To check that I've previously worked with Patreon and how xD

Funny story from one of the banks:

Woman at the bank - Okay, I've opened an account for you. You will recieve your card by post and you will be able to use your card world-wide. Like for example if you go back to Russia you still will be able to make purchases :)

Me - ummmm no I will not be able oO

She - what? Why's that?

Tbh it was so funny for me, people really forget sanction exist here hahaha

I bet its hard to imagine a whole big country banned from master card and visa and everything else :D

Tho many people dont even know most russians cant go to EU anyhow because they can get a proper visa cause short stay visas are no-use now ;c

Also a fun thing was when at tax office I've tried to explain what Patreon is and they checked my page in front of me haha

Well I'm just glad I've managed to settle everything up here! Rn I'm waiting for last documents to come by post and I can go to Russia to prepare my last move - take cats and my stuff and one way ticket to Finland this time... And imagine - I'm still not sure if my actions are right. If I should move form Russia, if I should move to Finland or other country. Ahhh. I hope it goes away once I actually move >_<

PS. If you want a naked version as a wallpaper you can set it up yourself! Just make a new wallpaper in WallpaperEngine using that video and - viola! You have a personal wallpaper ^w^




And I hope your health is better now ^^


Glad your doing well Eipril ❤️ btw how does it feel to live in Russia??