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There's a power scaling comparison that's necessary for the KWA, perhaps.

In World of Warcraft, adventurers use a variety of spells and abilities, increasingly powerful magical gear and weapons, and basically become superheroes by the time they reach the first expansion. Here in the KWA, it's all simple hand-to-hand combat. No weapons, no magic, just wrestling. Hence, a lone sadistic harpy being the greatest heel in the league. Heel isn't even the right word really- the Matriarch is a very literal monster.

Still, though, she finally lost. She was defeated by Zaerine, the new champion of the KWA.

The harpy didn't take this particularly well. She shouldn't even be physically capable of losing fights like this- against UNARMED ELVES. The problem, to her, is the venue. The rules. The KWA she agrees to fight in itself. If she was like most wild harpy clans, and simply ambushed her prey on the roads, not a single one of these wrestlers would stand a chance.

So, out she went to go prove this fact. To herself, most of all.

Arysia was training out in the forests not that far from town and the main ring. She looked to be alone, and completely unprepared for the brutality that was soon to descend on her.




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